
Nuclear throne fish cop
Nuclear throne fish cop

It is telling of the America’s (and the European’s) unwillingness to confront the impending nuclear danger posed by the rogue Iranian regime, that they seem to have no complete insider knowledge of the extent and layout of the Iranian nuclear installations. If this fails to halt Iran’s nuclear ambitions, then only military action will stop them.

  • There is only one more chance to impose truly crippling sanctions - and that means blocking all imports to (except humanitarian medical and emergency supplies), and exports from, Iran.
  • My prediction is that Iran will get the bomb. Nonetheless, the fecklessness and incompetence of Western leadership in the Mideast makes my eyes glaze over. I would recommend stronger sanctions, but even air strikes could be justified.
  • Iran should not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
  • In fact, I’ll wager there is a Polaris sub in the Indian Ocean with Tehran on its hit list right now. However, nuclear missile systems make a nation a large target for others in possession of same technology, so any deployment is likely to incinerate the instigator.

    nuclear throne fish cop nuclear throne fish cop

    In my view, no amount of negotiation will deter the ayatollah from acquiring nuclear capability and a long-range delivery system, so we should accept that fact. Such a scheme might just help stabilize the region, if world powers (including Israel) were to treat the Iranians as adults. The Iranians, even the mullahs and the Revolutionary Guard units, know massive retaliation would follow any offensive use of such weapons. Allowing Iran to produce a small number of nuclear weapons for self-defence, strictly monitored of course, is not such a scary proposition. and Israel, it is entirely understandable why it wants a nuclear deterrent. Since Iran has been publicly targeted in the past for both attack and regime change by the U.S.If Iran goes nuclear, Israel and Iran potentially deter each other, the way nuclear powers always have. Perhaps Israel and Iran would do well to consider this precedent. In spite of high tensions and dangerous provocations, India and Pakistan have kept the peace since then. The historical rivals of India and Pakistan signed a treaty in 1991, undertaking not to target each other’s nuclear facilities. The Cold War did not become a “hot war” because the nuclear balance of power between the U.S. Perhaps nothing should be done to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.Then we should mobilize and crush Iran’s proxies militarily. Additional instructions would include forcing them to destroy their nuclear and missile technology, abandon their terrorist activities and proxy allies and, finally, stop threatening Israel.

    nuclear throne fish cop

    We should instruct Iran to immediately terminate its nuclear and missile programs, then re-impose sanctions when Tehran fails to comply. The West must walk away from the current negotiations. Preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons requires leadership, co-ordination and resolve currently absent in our dealings with Tehran’s theocratic government.That includes diplomacy with the real threat of force, cyber-warfare, sanctions, EMP, drones, monitoring and consequences. Everything should be done to stop this tyrannical state, which ascribes to a doomsday theology‎. The only question is whether it will be a nuclear-powered jihad in the near future. Iran is waging jihad on every inhabited continent.Manage Print Subscription / Tax Receipt.

    Nuclear throne fish cop